Shayna Pankow
Office Manager

Shayna Pankow has been the Office Manager at Hart Academy since 2011.  Originally a competitive figure skater, she found her love for dance when she made her high school dance team. She served as co-captain for the competitive team and choreographed numerous solo and group routines. Shayna received her B.S. in Child & Adolescent Development in 2020 and will earn her Entry-Level Doctorate in Occupational Therapy from University Southern California in 2026. Being able to work with children and still be a part of the dance world is truly a blessing. Hart Academy has become Shayna’s second home and while the growth & success of the studio is rewarding, it is the bonds within the Hart family that make her job a place she looks forward to coming to each and every day. Whether you need help understanding our program or your dancer needs help while you are away, Shayna is always there to help!